BLACK LIVES MATTER. A message from our founder.

BLACK LIVES MATTER. And Asian American empowerment was born from the foundations built by black activists. At Noona’s, we are getting to work, learning more about the historic connections between black Americans and Asian Americans. Noona’s was founded on the unwavering belief that there is a need for more room at the table for people of color. Yes, we focus on Asian American representation, but it is rooted from the belief that all humans are 100% equal. Racism and acts of hate that spread and kill black people’s lives cannot exist anywhere! 

America is burning, and it is the reality of the deep-rooted racism and injustices that are our nation’s most shameful existence. The murder of George Floyd by four Minneapolis police officers was brutal, senseless, and downright wrong as were the killings of Ahmaud Arbery, Breonna Taylor and every single black person before them. There is no peace without justice. Martin Luther King, Jr. was the one that said, “A riot is the language of the unheard.” Action is needed, and this is not about showing support for a just day or two or a week or two. And this isn’t just about the shocking incidents captured on video or the news. It’s also about the implicit bias and quiet discrimination that happens every single day, even behind closed doors! 

It’s about the persistent inequality and disparities in all sectors of life. It’s about a shameful and destructive lack of progress on race and equality in a country that celebrates progress in so many other areas. 

Everyone has a part to play in making things better, and making ice cream is how our company channels personal emotion and core beliefs into something tangible, sharable and for good. We donated 100% of our profits from the past week between @thelovelandfoundation @aclu_nationwide @audrelordeproject @naacp — all doing critical work for protecting voting rights, healing our black communities and addressing the multiple issues impacting LGBTSTGNC People of Color communities. 

We’re working with our community of food makers and ice cream lovers, and will be sharing with you our collective acts of allyship through ice cream.


With love,

Hannah Bae

Founder, Noona’s

Noona's Ice Cream